(Staircases towards Wisdom)



The Department of History, Women’s College, Rayagada started its journey with a strong endeavor  from the academic session of 1982-83 with opening of I.A(Intermediate Arts) class. In 1983-84 and 1986-87, it continued its journey with opening of +2 and +3 (three Year Degree courses: pass) respectively. In 1990-1991, it initiated History as the Honours  subject in this Institution, History Honours teaching facilities have been imparted since 1990 with a provision for 16 students headed by one Lecturer , Dr. Narmada Patro. Within 35 Years of its inception the Department has undergone a remarkable change due to its vibrant and versatile teachers. The aim of the Department is to understand the ethical core values of History of South Odisha at the same time to focus on the historical importance of the backward district of Odisha. The Department of History, Women’s College, Rayagada moves with a strong vision to prepare students for a wide range of careers by teaching a core set of transferable skills through the study of societies, and economics across a broad chronological cultures, and geographical spectrum.


The following Faculty members of the Department of History have contributed their most productive skills rendering teaching facilities to the students of the College:


               Name                                                                                                        Designation

1.1 Dr. Narmada Patro                                       Sr. Lecturer in History

1.2 Dr. Archana Patnaik                                                               Principal, Women’s College, Rayagada

1.3 Smt. Pratima Panda                                                                       H.O.D of History Department

1.4 Smt. Bharati Jena                                                                             Guest Lecturer in History

1.5 Miss. Mita Naik                                                                                 Guest Lecturer in History

1.6 Mr. Balaram Tula                                                                              Guest Lecturer in History



·         The History Department aims to make the students aware of the past and its legacies through teaching , and research activities . We believe that only a critical understanding of the past will enable the students to understand the present and help them look towards the future.

·         The Department seeks to provide an enlightening environment in which students and teachers can discuss contemporary socio-economic issues.

·         Department is Promoting participatory method of learning . Department organizes student seminars, quiz competitions, group discussion, open discussion to train students.

·         Department uses modern technology like LCD projector at the time of seminar, use of Internet, conducts online classes etc. for teaching.


·         Transform the students into citizens who are critically informed about the past and its consequences for the present.

·         The knowledge about the interconnections between the global, national, regional, and local history will equip the students to face the challenges with confidence.

·         In addition to making history as an inspiration to individual and communities to transform themselves and their societies, it also aims at making it relevant in the competitive world of multidisciplinary study and research.


·        The HISTORY Department values a skilled, critically aware and informed citizenry; an honest academic and public engagement with the past, and its consequences for today for students of all ages and of all backgrounds.


·        To prepare the students for the challenging situations of life.

·        To create an e-learning environment to make the students skillful for completion of their project, assignment etc. through the means of online platforms like, Google Meet, Google Classroom, Zoom etc.

·        The Department is planning to emphasis on research activities with the support from the head of the institution. The  faculty members will undertake Minor/Major research projects with financial assistance from USC,ICSSR, and other funding agencies.

·        To hold a National Level Conference.


·        To set up a Museum having Tribal artifacts which are to be collected by the students of the Department, so that we can undertake activities for the Communal harmony.

Dr. Archana Patnaik

Principal, Womens College Rayagada
Principal, Womens College Rayagada Department of History Qualification: M.A, P.HD Phone No: 9438106011

Mrs. Pratima Panda

H.O.D , Dept, of History
Name : Mrs. Pratima Panda Designation:H.O.D , Dept, of History Qualification: M.A, M.PHILL. Phone No: 8895866259 Email ID : [email protected]

Miss. Mita Naik

Guest Lecturer, Dept, of History
Name : Miss. Mita Naik Designation:Guest Lecturer, Dept, of History Qualification: M.A Phone No: 6372474887 Email ID : [email protected]

Mr. Balaram Tulo

Guest Lecturer, Dept, of History
Name : Mr. Balaram Tula Designation: Guest Lecturer, Dept, of History Qualification: M.A Phone No: 7077063060 Email ID : [email protected]